Member-only story
The Two Steps of Manifestation

There is more to this world than we can see with our eyes. This statement is true in many ways.
It’s true that we can’t see the atoms and molecules we are built from, without a powerful microscope.
It’s true that we can’t see our future, and we can’t truly know where our consciousness or our soul goes after death.
Most interestingly of all to me, is the fact that we can’t see our minds.
Our mind is the present and most active part of who we are as people – get what the mind really is remains an intangible concept.
Sure, we can see the physical structure that houses the mind. The brain can be scanned, measured and tested.
But the mind itself remains as something beyond our current level of understanding- and yet it’s the core of who we are.
Isn’t that fascinating?
When it comes to harnessing the mind to help us achieve the life we want, I think we all struggle to a degree. Although, some people seem to have found the key to manifesting what they see in their mind into their outer reality.
Or have they? Stay with me here, I have a point to make…