Member-only story
How I Lost My Business

This is not something I really wanted to write about. But I felt that I needed to share this.
Not all of us are cut out for being our own boss. Heck, even if we were born for it, this is still a hard path to walk.
I was a freelance marketing manager. After a horrible employed experience working for a narcissist, I found myself enjoying the freelance life. It was a breath of fresh air.
However, after 5 years of growing from the ground up, everything came crashing down around me.
I hadn’t built on solid foundations, as you will discover.
These are the 3 main takeaways from my painful life lesson.
I was a people pleaser
I have always been too nice. No, not because I’m made of goodness and light. In all honesty, I’m your garden-variety people pleaser.
My imposter syndrome stems from childhood — no surprises there. You would hope as an adult running her own business, I’d be more confident and ready to back myself.
But as you will have guessed from the title of my story, that isn’t how this played out. I was way too soft.